Dec 05, 2022 - 04:01 PM
Q - In the edge pro form, what is the functional difference between Venev Orion Resin Diamonds and the Orion CBN?
A - The main difference would be the preference of the user. Some people swear by CBN and others by diamond abrasive depending on steel type. Personally I've tested a range of steels on these stones so far and I've enjoyed using them. That said, I feel the same about the diamond Orion stones. Both types have good feedback and leave a great edge.
A - The main difference would be the preference of the user. Some people swear by CBN and others by diamond abrasive depending on steel type. Personally I've tested a range of steels on these stones so far and I've enjoyed using them. That said, I feel the same about the diamond Orion stones. Both types have good feedback and leave a great edge.
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