Voted Best Answer

Jan 11, 2023 - 08:34 AM
Q - Hi I ordered the venev centaur beta stones. What do I need to maintain these stones? Do I need to flatten them? If so, how should I do so and how often?
A - These Venev stones are very low maintenance. All you need is to use some soapy water (a tiny bit of dish soap & water) as lubrication when sharpening. To clean them after sharpening, use some dish soap and water with a nylon brush or hard bristle toothbrush and scrub them clean. Rinse them properly and let them dry before storing.
Every once in a while when they have gotten loaded up enough with a significant amount of metal swarf and you want to recondition the surface (this will be at least 10-20 sharpening sessions or much more), then use a "Nagura" (conditioning stone) to rub over the Venev stones under running water. You'll see it clean right up and condition the top surface in a short time. Rinse the stones properly after using the Nagura, and let it dry before storing. The "King Nagura" sold on Amazon, or the "Breeze semi natural nagura" sold on Gritomatic will both do a good job of this.
Using the Nagura removes a very tiny bit of top surface from the Venev stones so this will also assist in the long term maintenance keeping them flat too.
Extensive flattening won't be necessary for a very long time unless the stones are abused. When they eventually dish out enough to affect your sharpening (this will be hundreds, if not thousands of sharpening sessions depending on the stone grit) then you can use silicon carbide powder of slightly coarser grit than the stone grit to flatten them on a piece of flat stone / marble / glass.
Hope this helps!
A - These Venev stones are very low maintenance. All you need is to use some soapy water (a tiny bit of dish soap & water) as lubrication when sharpening. To clean them after sharpening, use some dish soap and water with a nylon brush or hard bristle toothbrush and scrub them clean. Rinse them properly and let them dry before storing.
Every once in a while when they have gotten loaded up enough with a significant amount of metal swarf and you want to recondition the surface (this will be at least 10-20 sharpening sessions or much more), then use a "Nagura" (conditioning stone) to rub over the Venev stones under running water. You'll see it clean right up and condition the top surface in a short time. Rinse the stones properly after using the Nagura, and let it dry before storing. The "King Nagura" sold on Amazon, or the "Breeze semi natural nagura" sold on Gritomatic will both do a good job of this.
Using the Nagura removes a very tiny bit of top surface from the Venev stones so this will also assist in the long term maintenance keeping them flat too.
Extensive flattening won't be necessary for a very long time unless the stones are abused. When they eventually dish out enough to affect your sharpening (this will be hundreds, if not thousands of sharpening sessions depending on the stone grit) then you can use silicon carbide powder of slightly coarser grit than the stone grit to flatten them on a piece of flat stone / marble / glass.
Hope this helps!
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