Jan 21, 2023 - 06:31 PM
Q - What grit is this stone, back side Venev Industrial Diamonds C25% 2/1 stone side 16/OTK its for a edge Pro?
A - The 2/1 stone is a little bit finer than the F1500 grit Fepa-F rating. 2/1 is the particle size of the diamonds in micro meters. So, the grit particles in this stone is mostly between 2 and 1 micron. If compared to the grit rating used by Japanese stones, this equates to approximately 8000 grit.
A - The 2/1 stone is a little bit finer than the F1500 grit Fepa-F rating. 2/1 is the particle size of the diamonds in micro meters. So, the grit particles in this stone is mostly between 2 and 1 micron. If compared to the grit rating used by Japanese stones, this equates to approximately 8000 grit.
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