Aug 20, 2023 - 07:31 PM
You can use a little bit of Silicon carbide loose grit on a flat surface (like a tile, piece of granite, thick glass etc. Spray some water over the flat surface and sprinkle the silicon carbide over it. Then draw a cross hatch pattern lines with a pencil over your stone surface and slowly any methodically move it over the prepared surface in figure of 8 patterns until you remove all of the cross pattern lines from the stone surface and it's level again. Careful not to press down on one side of the stone more than the other side or you'll wear one corner down more than the others while leveling it. Also, it should go without saying but the surface you're using will be severely scratched by the silicon carbide so don't use a flat surface you care for.
Leveling should not be necessary for a very long time though, these stones wear down very slowly.
You'll find a grit guide about which grits are suitable in this link :
Leveling should not be necessary for a very long time though, these stones wear down very slowly.
You'll find a grit guide about which grits are suitable in this link :
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