May 06, 2024 - 11:38 PM
The Venev resin bonded diamond stones will leave a much finer edge, but a diamond plate (such as the Atoma plates) will cut a lot faster. I always recommend at least one coarse diamond plate, followed by more premium stones such as the Venev resin bonded stones to follow up on a diamond plate.
I would recommend the Atoma 140 grit, followed by Venev diamond bonded Centaur set. This would give you everything you need. Just make sure to adjust your angle between stone types because the Atoma stones are thinner than the Venev Centaur stones, so your sharpening angle will be different if you don't adjust your angle after swapping stones.
I would recommend the Atoma 140 grit, followed by Venev diamond bonded Centaur set. This would give you everything you need. Just make sure to adjust your angle between stone types because the Atoma stones are thinner than the Venev Centaur stones, so your sharpening angle will be different if you don't adjust your angle after swapping stones.
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